She weighs as much as a Jicama!
Time is still ticking away until Jospehine's arrival. Little by little I am getting things done. We still don't have a crib, who brings home a baby without a crib? I'm thinking we are. We have no place to put one, and I figure (hope, really) that she can sleep in our bassinet for a while. I'm praying everyday that I don't go early. Besides the obvious reasons, we have little to nothing ready. I can't believe we have waited so long!
Last Sunday was my last day of work. FREEDOM!!! It's bad when you dislike a place the way I did that place. My boss was the worst person I have ever worked for. AND. I'm fat and I was very sick of working and carrying around all this extra weight at the same time. Things will be tight for a while, but I'm okay with that. We can make it work... we have before.
So far this week, I've tried to get into the whole "housewife" thing... it's slowly working. I made the bed today... that's about as far as I got! I WILL get myself back into the routine of housework, running kids all over, and trying to find some "me" time. Right now, I'm reaching the miserable point of pregnancy so trying to reach in my washer to get the clothes out can wait, my belly stops me anyway! Hubby has been a blessing this pregnancy, he's done so much around the house. My house would be in shambles if it wasn't for him. It's close, but he's tried to hard and done a pretty good job.
That's all for this little update!